中研院語言所訪問學人姚瑤助理教授專題演講 發佈時間:April 21, 2017, 10:39 a.m.

講 者:姚瑤 (香港理工大學)
主 題:Merger and the reversal of merger
時 間:106年5月11日 (星期四)上午10-12點
地 點:中研院語言所5樓519會議室
摘 要:

In the study of sound change and variation, merger of two phonetic categories is widely-observed

and well documented; on the contrary, the reversal of a merger, i.e. two merged categories

becoming distinct again, is much less studied and often considered to be impossible. In this talk, I

will go through (1) a recent study on a vowel merger reversal in Shanghainese (Wu, Sinitic) that is

attributed to language contact with Mandarin Chinese, and (2) some work-in-progress on merger

reversal in spontaneous phonetic imitation in Hong Kong Cantonese.