中央研究院語言學研究所3月18日講論會 發佈時間:2024年3月11日 11:07


講 者:鄧芳青 (本所研究員)
主 題:How symmetrical are the Formosan languages?
主持人:廖偉聞 (本所副研究員)
時 間:113年3月18日 (星期一)上午10-12點
地 點:中央研究院人文社會科學館南棟5樓語言學研究所519會議室
網 頁:https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/main/zh-tw?/sign/0318

摘 要:
The analysis of the voice system of the so-called Philippine-type languages has been a source of debate for over one hundred years. With the introduction of the new term ‘symmetrical voice’ by Foley (1998, 2008), many Western Austronesian languages have been described as symmetrical voice languages in recent studies (e.g., Himmelmann 2005: 113). Based on the definitions given by Riesberg (2014:10), the morphosyntactic features of arguments in different voices are examined and compared. It is found that not all Formosan languages exhibit the same symmetricity; there are considerable differences hidden under the superficial similarities.

主 辦 單 位:中央研究院語言學研究所