政大-語言學/英語教學學術工作坊6/6 發佈時間:2017年5月23日 14:39

講 者:曾淑娟博士    中央研究院語言學研究所研究員

講 題:Sociophonetics – Corpus construction and analysis

摘要:The correlation between phonological differences (language variation) and social groupings (social and cultural distance) has been intensively studied - motivated by anthropological considerations (Gumperz 1958). Utilizing the methodology of corpus and computational linguistics, the research of sociolinguistics, more specifically sociophonetics, is successful in gaining new insights into socially conditioned human speech production. This talk will present the construction and analysis of the Sinica Sociolinguistic Corpus, funded by the National Digital Archives Project (2007–2012) whose aim was to document and archive the contemporary use of spoken Taiwan Mandarin in different geographic locations.

時 間:106年6月6日星期三 中午12:30-14:00

地 點:國立政治大學季陶樓三樓340313語言所視聽會議室

主 辦:國立政治大學語言學研究所/國立政治大學英國語文學系