師大英語系誠徵英語教學組專任教師 發佈時間:2017年7月21日 10:21
















5.完整經歷表(curriculum vitae)、英文自傳(請說明專長領域及教學理念)及一門擅長任教課程之綱要各一份。








地址:10610臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號 國立臺灣師範大學英語系

連絡電話:886-2-7734-1806 江姿儀助教


E-mail: tzuyi@ntnu.edu.tw


※ 請注意:本校徵才流程依本校教師評審辦法規定需先經核定員額,故本次徵才尚需俟本校核給教師員額後,始能依核定人數擇優聘任。


Full-Time Teaching Position

Department of English

National Taiwan Normal University

Taipei Taiwan


The Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University invites applications for the following full-time position available from February 1, 2018.


TESOL (full/associate/assistant professor)

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in TESOL or a related field. (Applicants with the expertise in psychometric approaches to language assessment may be given favorable consideration.).


The position will involve teaching courses in the applicant’s areas of specialization at the graduate and undergraduate levels, teaching language courses to English and non-English majors, maintaining an active scholarly profile, advising students, and providing service to the Department and the University.


Except for new PhDs, all applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria: 

Publication of at least one book or monograph within the past three years. (Reviewer comments and proof of approval of publication should be provided). 

Publication of at least two articles within the past three years in journals listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, or Taiwan Humanities Citation Index, where the applicant is the first author or the corresponding author.

Acquisition of at least two important research grants within the past three years (in the case of Taiwan, research grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology). One MOST research grant may be deemed equivalent to one journal publication and vice versa.

Exceptional performance in professional practice. (Proof of achievements should be provided.)


To apply, submit the following materials to the address below.

Completed application form. (The blank form may be found in the attachment or downloaded from the website of the Department.)

Photocopy of Ph.D. degree diploma.

Proof of teaching-related employment (e.g., copies of secondary school and college teaching certificates), past or present, if any.

Photocopy of the R.O.C. Identification Card (for R.O.C. nationals) or the photograph page of the passport (for non-R.O.C. nationals), along with a recent photograph.

Curriculum vitae, a personal statement describing research interests and teaching philosophy, and a syllabus of a proposed course.

A list of publications, presentations, and research grants within the last five years. A copy of all the works.

Three letters of recommendation, signed and scanned, to be e-mailed to us separately by each recommender.

Please send the application materials to Ms. Tzu-yi Chiang at <tzuyi@ntnu.edu.tw>. Items #1-6 should be sent by the applicant whereas Item #7 should be sent by the recommenders.


All application materials must be received by the Department no later than September 1, 2017, local time.


Short-listed candidates will be invited to give job talks on campus or conduct online interviews. The interviews are tentatively scheduled for the period September 11-21, 2017.


For further information, please contact Ms. Chiang:


Telephone: (+886) (0)2 77341806

Fax: (+886) (0)2 23634793

E-mail: tzuyi@ntnu.edu.tw

Mailing address:

Department of English

National Taiwan Normal University

162 Heping East Road, Section 1

Taipei 10610, Taiwan, R.O.C.