銘傳大學應用英語學系國際學術研討會 發佈時間:2017年11月2日 11:50


The 20th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics
Time:March 16-17, 2018
會議主題 Conference Theme


Language, Identity, Literacy, and L2 Learning and Teaching: Innovation and Challenges


l  語言認同與第二語言學習 (Learner identity and L2 learning)

l  培育第二語言讀寫素養 (Developing L2 Literacy)

l  第二語言革新教學:教學策略、政策與挑戰 (Innovation in L2 Teaching: Strategies, Policies, and Challenges)

l  電腦科技在語言教育的應用與成效 (Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Implementation and Effectiveness)

l  全球化及國際教育 (Globalization and International Education)

l  跨文化溝通能力與其發展 (Intercultural Communication Competence and Its Development)

l  英語為全球通用語及跨文化溝通 (English as Lingua Franca and Intercultural Communication)

l  篇章分析 (Discourse and Genre Analysis)

l  海外遊學語言習得及多語言認同(Study Abroad, Language Acquisition and Multilingual Identity)

l  其他 Other themes related to language studies and culture


Plenary Speeches

David Carless, Professor, Division of English Language Education, The University of Hong Kong: “Peer feedback in second language writing: potentials and challenges”

Jette Hansen Edwards, Professor of the English Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: “Individual difference in second language pronunciation attainment”

Andy Kirkpatrick, Professor in linguistics, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Nathan campus, Griffith University: “An ELF-aware Approach to English Language Teaching”

Bonny Norton, Professor, Professor & Distinguished University Scholar, Department of Language & Literacy Education, University of British Columbia: “Identity, Literacy, and Language Learning in a Digital World”

Wenli Tsou, Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University: “Content and Language Integrated Learning for Primary Education in Taiwan”




Professor Jette Hansen Edwards

Professor Andy Kirkpatrick


Book Fair

2-day book fair



1. Proceedings

2. Papers on application of English will be considered for review and published by the Journal of Applied English


Important dates

■Abstract due: December 1st, 2017 (abstract of no more than 300 words plus CV via email: mcuaeic@gmail.com)

■Acceptance notification: December 11th, 2017【If abstracts are accepted】

■Full paper deadline: January 8th, 2018 (10 pages maximum)

■Acceptance notification: January 17th, 2018

Conference Convener: Dr. Chris Liu

Conference Organizer: Dr. Lilie Tsay, Dr. Vincent Chang

Contact person: Irene Hung (mcuaeic@gmail.com)

Tel: 886-3 350-7001 ext. 3211~3  Fax: 886-3-359-3870  Website: http://web.dae.mcu.edu.tw