2018 學科內容與語言學習結合教學法(CLIL)國際論壇 發佈時間:2018年3月20日 18:37

2018 International Forum on CLIL 


Theme: Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Perspectives and Direction is Asian Contexts 主題:亞洲高等教育中結合專業學科與語言學習教學法的趨勢及願景

Date: 18 May 2018 (Friday)

Venue: National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan

Organiser: Department of Applied English, NKUHT, Taiwan

Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan


Tentative Programme




0900 - 0910

Opening Ceremony


0910 - 1030

1st Invited Speech

‘Concept + Language Mapping’ (CLM) as a Strategy in Integrating Language Support into Content Teaching

Angel M. Y. LIN (Professor)

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Simon Fraser University, Canada

香港大學 練美兒 教授


Moderator: Shin-mei KAO, Professor

National Cheng-kung University, Taiwan

主持人:國立成功大學 高實玫 教授

1030 - 1050

Tea Break


1050 - 1210

2nd Invited Speech

CLIL implementation in Japan: Expectations, achievements and challenges

Makoto IKEDA (Professor)

Sophia University, Japan

上智大學(日本)池田真 教授


Moderator: Yi-hui CHIU, Professor

National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan

主持人:國立台北商業大學 邱怡慧 教授

1210 - 1330

Lunch Break


1330 - 1500

Panel Discussion

[CLIL experiences, development, future directions and challenges in Asia]

Makoto IKEDA, Professor

University of Sophia, Japan

Angel M. Y. LINProfessor

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ching-kang LIU, Professor

National Taipei University, Taiwan

Wen-li TSOUProfessor

National Cheng-kung University, Taiwan


上智大學     池田真 教授

香港大學     練美兒 教授

國立臺北大學 劉慶剛 教授

國立成功大學 鄒文莉 教授


Moderator: Shin-mei KAO, Professor

National Cheng-kung University, Taiwan

主持人:國立成功大學 高實玫 教授


Closing Ceremony