




本論文以構音的角度探討台灣華語CV、GV、CGV音節之時間上交互關係,並試圖解決華語音節結構上元音前滑音(亦即「介音」)的音韻及語音地位之爭議。本論文有六位台灣華語語者。錄製構音數據的實驗儀器使用電磁構音儀(Electromagnetic Articulography,EMA)。我們錄製及分析了華語的六組音節配對,其中每一組有使用相同的C、G、V的CV、GV、CGV三種不同的音節。我們首先計算各組CV、GV、CGV之C–C、G–G及C–G時間差。我們以構音的角度證實:(一)CGV音節中台灣華語G–V時間上關係較之於C–V時間上關係還要來得緊密;(二)GV較CV短。另外,關於台灣華語滑音的地位,本研究結果顯示滑音並非聲母的次要發音(secondary articulation)。撇除一些能以構音的角度解釋的「異常」數據,本研究支持介音不屬聲也不屬韻。



In this thesis, we examine the articulatory timing patterns of CV, GV and CGV in Taiwanese Mandarin, aiming at exploring the issue of phonetic and phonological status of the prenuclear glides (or, the “medial”). Six monolingual speakers of Taiwanese Mandarin were recruited to the Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) experiments. Six triads of CV, GV, and CGV, differing in segmental contents are collected and analyzed. The C–C, C–G, G–G timing relationships within and between CV, GV and CGV are calculated for each triad. Some of our major findings are as follows. (i) Taiwanese Mandarin favors a sequential C–G relation in CGV, and (ii) GV is shorter than CV from an articulatory point of view. As for the affiliation of the prenuclear glides, the results of our EMA study suggest that G cannot be a secondary articulation, as is widely accepted. Instead, the prenuclear glides, with some “aberrant” patterns, are better understood as a distinct unit on its own right, at least in terms of articulatory timing relationships.



本論文以電磁構音儀(Electromagnetic Articulography,EMA)來研究台灣華語不同音不同音節結構在構音協調模式上的樣貌。我們以混合線性模型(Linear mixed model,LMM)來檢測CV、GV、CGV音節其中C與G在時間上的對齊關係之穩定性,從而以構音的角度證實:(一)CGV音節中台灣華語G–V時間上關係較之於C–V時間上關係還要來得緊密;(二)GV較CV短。另外,目前為止對於華語滑音之音韻地位的討論,經心理語言學、聲學、及理論音韻學等許多不同角度,得到了屬聲母論及屬韻母論或是不屬於聲母也不屬於韻母等等諸多分歧的結果,本論文得到的結果則支持華語介音不屬聲也不屬韻。
