


姓名:Lowking Nowbucyang 許韋晟(國立清華大學語言學研究所) 











This dissertation mainly studies demonstratives in the Truku language, including  nii “this”, gaga/ga “that”, kiya/ki “that”, hini “here”and hiya/hi “there”. We discuss from the perspective of syntax, semantics, discourse analysis, and grammaticalization, and we mainly focus on the phenomenon of grammaticalization of demonstratives.

We discover that these five groups of demonstratives all present multifunctional use. In syntax, we can have two categories. First, the basic function of demonstratives, including pronominal demonstratives, adnominal demonstratives, and adverbial demonstratives. Second, the extended function of demonstratives, including locative verb, aspectual auxiliary, and temporal use. In the semantic feature, the use is mainly related to demonstrative characteristics, such as distance and visibility. As for the contrast of distance, nii “this” indicates proximal, and gaga/ga “that”, distal, whereas kiya/ki “that” also indicates distal, and it can refer to a referent which does not occur in the discourse context as well; as for the contrast of visibility, there is restriction of visibility on nii “this” and gaga/ga “that”, but not on kiya/ki “that”.

In discourse analysis, the functions of demonstratives fall into six categories, such as exphoric use, discourse deictic use, endophoric use, recognitional use, connectives, and discourse marker. We find that, in the discourse functions of demonstratives, there are significant differences in the use of a single demonstrative and the collocating phrase, they even work with a division of labor. We also find that gaga hardly has any discourse function, while kiya/ki has more collocations and presents a variety of discourse functions.

Based on the principles of grammaticalization, proposed by Diessel (1999) and Hopper (1991), we view these five groups of demonstratives and find that each of them has different degrees of grammaticalization. Among these, the proximal locative demonstrative hini “here” is the one with the least degree of grammaticalization, while kiya/ki “this/that”, with the deepest. In the mechanism of grammaticalization, some demonstratives undergo reanalysis and thus begin to have new uses or to get into the process of de-categorialization, in which metaphor and metonymy play a great role. Meanwhile, we also observe that the demonstratives evolve from the propositional level to the textual level to express the semantic relationship from one proposition to the other. Eventually, with the increase of subjectivity of speaker, expressing one’s stand and attitude, the uses of demonstratives go further to the level of expression of emotional function, which matches the path of semantic evolution, proposed by Traugott (1989, 1995): propositional> textual > expressive.



