Publication of Concentric 43.1 發佈時間:June 13, 2017, 11:51 a.m.

oncentric: Studies in Linguistics

New Issue: Volume 43, Number 1

Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

Concentric: Studies in Linguistics (Volume 43, Number 1) was released in May 2017.

There are five articles in this issue:

1. Yung-Hsiang Shawn Chang: The Influence of Dialect Information on the Perception of the Mandarin Alveolar-Retroflex Contrast

2. Pritha Chandra & Gurmeet Kaur: Differential Subject Marking and Person Licensing Condition 

3. Mei-hui Tsai: From Volition to Obligation: “Have you heard of diabetes?”—The Use of Perspective-Checking Questions in Creating Knowledge Needs in Taiwanese Health Education Talks for Elderly Lay People

4. Yen-Chen Hao: Chinese ESL Speakers’ Compliment Behavior in English and in Chinese

5. Svitlana Shurma: Soviet Conceptualization of Nasylstvo (Violence): Based on the Texts of the Ukrainian SSR Newspaper the Molod Ukraїny of 1960

PDF copies of these articles may be downloaded from the website of Concentric: Studies in Linguistics:
1. 張詠翔:方言資訊對中文平捲音對比之影響
2. 普里塔‧錢德拉、古爾米特‧考爾:異相主語標記與人稱認可條件
3. 蔡美慧:「你敢有聽過糖尿病?」: 台語衛生教育演講中透過探索年長者觀點以創造知識需求感之言談技巧
4. 郝彥禎:赴美留學華人的中英文讚美行為比較
5. 斯維特拉娜‧舒爾瑪:蘇聯的暴力思維:依據烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國1960年的Molod Ukraïny報紙文獻