2016國際專業英語教學論壇 發佈時間:April 21, 2016, 5:31 p.m.

著眼現今的社會已經趨近於高度的國際化,高等教育也被期待培育出必須具備有高度的就業力與移動力的人才,如此才能被全球化的就業市場所用.而欲達到所培育出的人才具備前兩項競爭力指標的根基即立足於人才具有優異且實用的英語文能力。近幾年來、台灣高教課程中所快速與大量興起的專業英語教學課程(ESP, English for Specific Purposes),學科內容與語言學習相結合的教學方法(CLIL, Content and Language Integraed Learning)、或以英語教授專業知識的課程(EMI, English as the Medium for Instruction),即是在回應高度全球化下業界人才所被期待同時兼具的專業智能和外語能力。因此、本論壇即透過所邀請的知名國內外專家學者共聚一堂,藉由其本身的專業與經驗與與會者共同分享其成功的ESP課程規劃、教學實踐、研究與評量等方面的課題,希望透過此次的論壇、眾人能集思廣益地為爾後提升台灣高教畢業生人才的專業英語文能力擘畫出一條長遠可行的道路和方針。此次論壇所邀請的國內外ESP學者其講題及簡歷介紹如下,敬請各位英語教學界的先進不吝與會指教。


Keynote speakers



Professor and Dean, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan

TopicIntegrating ESP into the curriculum


Judy Noguchi is professor of English and Dean of the Faculty of Global Communication at Kobe Gakuin University.  She specializes in English for Specific Purposes and has taught English to students in pharmaceutical sciences, medicine, engineering and other science-related disciplines. She also uses ESP techniques to teach translation. She has BA (bachelor of arts) and BS (bachelor of science) degrees in chemistry from the University of Hawaii, an MEd (master of education) in TESL from Temple University, and a PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Birmingham.


Melvyn PRYER,

Professor and Director, University College Birmingham, UK

TopicThe ‘Sì, dobbiamo' Mandate: A development plan for the Terramia   Albergo Diffuso Cropani, Calabria, Italy


With a background in tour operations, archaeology and as a freelance copywriter in travel, Professor Melvyn Pryer is now the Director of UCB’s International Student Centre, having previously been the Dean of the School of Tourism.  Having read for a degree in Geography, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Development, Melvyn gained a Shell International Scholarship award to study for a Masters in the Geography of the Middle East and Mediterranean at Durham University, from where he produced his first publication.  He later proceeded to read for an MBA at the University of Birmingham. Melvyn possesses over 25 years of teaching experience, both at UCB and overseas, and has worked on numerous UK and overseas tourism consultancy projects, covering everything from economic impact assessments, through to development initiatives and tourism education strategies.  He also acts as an accreditor for the Institute of Hospitality, appraising educational programmes around the world, and is an accreditation panel member for the Department of Technical Education in Brunei.  In general, Melvyn’s key areas of interest lie in tourism business issues and destination development, whilst his passion for travel has meant that he has long maintained an interest in the global backpacking market.


Ching-kang LIU,

Professor and Dean, National Taipei University, Taiwan

TopicThe ESP course design and a possible means of assessment with a case study at National Taipei University

(Co-presented with Phoebe Hui-ju TSAI)


Ching-kang Liu is currently Dean  of the School of Humanities and professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics  at National Taipei University. He received his Ph.D. in Language Development and Ed Psych from University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). His main research  interests include English pronunciation, acoustic phonetics, language assessment, ESP course design, English learning and teaching, cognitive processes of writing and applied linguistics.


論壇日期:2016年5月20日(星期五)0900 am-1610 pm

會議地點:國立高雄餐旅大學 行政大樓六樓 國際會議室

主辦單位:國立高雄餐旅大學 應用英語系

贊助單位:國立高雄餐旅大學 教學卓越計畫辦公室


聯絡我們:07-8060505 分機:2851, 2852; Email: ae@stu.nkuht.edu.tw

研討會網址: http://ae.nkuht.edu.tw/confe/super_pages.php?ID=confe1